Wednesday, September 11, 2013

9-11: Real Heroes

9-11 was a horrific event that brought many people from all walks of life together and demonstrated who the real heroes in life are. 

Real heroes do not fly, but they drive at top speeds risking their lives to go where they are needed.

Real heroes do not have super powers, but they have the power to offer kind words and healing touches.

Real heroes do not wear capes and tights; they wear badges of honor.

Real heroes are real life men and women who risk their lives everyday in service to their fellow man. 

Today, as we remember September 11, we not only remember those who acted with awe-inspiring bravery on that notorious day, but we also remember those who are still out there everyday so that we can be safe. Thank you from the bottoms of our hearts! 

Affordable Accessories

Monday, September 2, 2013

Support Your Community- Buy Local!

Why Buy Local

This Labor Day week, show your support for your community by buying local! Local business are started and run by hard-working individuals with a commitment to bringing something good into our town. They pulled themselves up by the bootstraps and all of their accomplishments have been made through determination and sweat of the brow. The don't have big corporations backing them up, offering the benefits, providing insurance... they are totally self-supporting. They provide jobs in our town and make our town a better place to live.
That is what being American is all about! Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are inherently ours because we were born in this great country. The American dream is to break out of the corporate grip and do something new, original, and individual... to make it in your own business venture! We are a nation of self-made people, innovators, inventors, and leaders in business. When we loose sight of that, we loose sight of the very fabric this country was founded on. 

About Our Community:
Oakwood, GA
Oakwood City Hall

Oakwood, located in the southern part of Hall County Georgia, is a growing, thriving community with a population of approximately 4,000. 

Oakwood Park

Oakwood native, Melanie Olvera, speaks on the growth of Oakwood:

" When I was a child back in the early 70's, Oakwood was a very small town. All of those stores and restaurants on Mundy Mill Rd. were not there. We had a couple of small gas stations, a couple of banks and a general store. We had to go to Gainesville for groceries and all the way to Atlanta get to a mall. It's been fun watching Oakwood grow and prosper throughout the years.

Train Crossing ~ Main Street Oakwood
My great-grandparents lived on Flat Creek Rd. from the late 1800's to early 1900's until they died in the early 70's. My grandmother, Ernestine Morris, used to tell me about the Oakwood of her childhood. The streets were dirt and only one person in town had a car. There was a small general store on Main Street and they walked there to get supplies. 

It feels me with pride to see all of the commerce that has come to Oakwood. I see local businesses as an asset to our community."

Oakwood Post Office

Affordable Accessories:

Sonya Thomas started out with a small shop and her own handmade jewelry. Little by little she began adding more and more products. Her little shop was a big hit! So big she needed a bigger space. So one year ago this week, Sonya moved to 4311 Mundy Mill Rd into her existing store. 

The transformation was incredible. No longer a little shop of handmade items, Affordable Accessories is now a full scale boutique carrying unique gifts and of course, affordable accessories! Sonya has managed to bring to her customers high quality, unique items that can't be found anywhere else for extremely affordable prices. 


Sonya is married and has 2 boys, 8 dogs and of course, Pinky the Potbelly Pig of Facebook fame. Sonya and Pinky invite you to come in and see them, chit chat, and at the same time get some great deals on some wonderful items. 
Pinky Ann
Sonya and Pinky